Infinipharm can help turn your pharmacy into a lean, mean, prescription processing machine.
While making your patients and employees happier all the while.

Manual vs Virtual Verification
Virtual prescription verification can help transform your pharmacy, even if it is a pharmacy with an on-site pharmacist. Manual prescription verification slows down the verification process and creates more busy work.
Although different workflows may vary, on average, the typcial pharmacist can save between 30%-50% of the time they spend verifying prescriptions manually by virtually checking them. Not to mention mistakes tend to decrease.
Let's compare the two methods:

Manual Verification
Pharmacist essentially performs four steps:
- Pharmacist physically searches for bag or basket with prescription
- Scans any items involved, including the label
- Verifies the accuracy of the prescription
- Prescription is placed back in bag or basket for the technician to conitnue the process
Efficacy and efficiency decrease due to:
- Technician is held-up by the verification process
- Bags or baskets piling up and becoming cluttered
- It is easier for the pharmacist to lose focus on the patient and their needs, due to the need to move on to the next pile of prescriptions

Virtual Verification
Pharmacist essentially performs two steps to complete the verification process:
- Pharmacist digitally searches for the prescription, which they find and open within seconds.
- Verifies the accuracy of the prescription by utilizing imaging taken by the technician and approves it
Technicians are able to continue to bag the prescription and place it in will-call to await approval
Everyone is less stressed and has a more positive experience

The Snowball Effect
The clear winner is virtual prescription verification, and it is like a snowball effect:
As the pharmacist spends more time with the patient, patient satisfaction most often increases.
As patient satisfaction increases, so does patient retention and acquisition. Happy patients are much more likely to recommend a pharmacy where they have had a positive experience.
As stress levels decrease for employees, their service to patients most often improves.
Last but not least, with more time to spend with patients, pharmacists are able to better focus on the needs of patients.
Your pharmacy could be adding $1,000's a year in value and savings by utilizing Infinipharm's virtual verification ability.
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